
Fall 2017

Memedemic is a multiplayer cooperative console game based on the board game Pandemic. My team developed this game as our project for my Software Engineering II class - Software Testing. The game was developed entirely in C++ and functions on Windows and Linux operating systems primarily and with most features working on Mac. We chose this project due to its depth and complexity of inter-operating features which would provide depth for our manual and automated test cases.

In Memedemic, players work together to prevent the spread of 'bad memes' throughout the internet by 'banning' their presence from various websites including Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Reddit. As the game proceeds, players obtain cards representing different websites which may be researched to develop specific 'meme filters'. However, if the memes overrun the players, they may lose the game before being able to regain control of the Internet.

Personally, I spent a significant portion of my time working on the command parsing as well as the menus which players interact with. My teammates worked on many of the underlying structures which represent the locations on the board, the cards players obtain, and the effects created by those cards on the game.